Ini adalah makalah atau karya tulis dalam bahasa inggris yang berjulul study tour ke yogyakarta atau karya wisata. Contoh karya tulis study tour ke yogyakarta dalam bahasa inggris ini di susun guna membantu tugas dalam mata pelajaran bahasa inggris.
About Yogyakarta
or Jogja is a city along with doubles as the capital of the province of Daerah
Istimewa Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta the Javanese dipulau is located directly
adjacent to the Central Java province and borders the Indian Ocean. The city of
Yogyakarta is often referred to also as a city of culture and students.
is a city famous for its history and its cultural heritage. Yogyakarta is the
kerajaanMataram (1575-1640), and until now there is a Kraton (Palace) which is
still functioning in a real sense. Yogyakarta also has many thousand of years
old temple which is the legacy of the great kingdoms of antiquity, of which is
the temple which was built in the 9th century by the Syailendra dynasty. In
addition to the cultural heritage, Yogyakarta has beautiful natural panorama
and a very strong arts atmosphere inside. In terms of the culture of the
province of Yogyakarta is still very thick with cultural Richness. In everyday
life art and culture seemed inseparable and have become part of the life of the
local community In communicating, the everyday language of instruction
generally Yogyakarta using the Java language. The province of Yogyakarta is one
of the central Javanese literature of language as the language of literature,
literary variety parama, bausastra, dialect, as well as in the form of oral
sengkala tales, japamantra, Javanese pawukon, and revised.
tourism places is also very impressive. No doubt many foreign tourists who stop
in the middle of this exotic island. Because that's been the younger generation
should especially students to visit SMPN 3 Banjar studied to Yogyakarta. Most
don't get to know a little about the ins and outs of Yogyakarta. Because that's
what we as the younger generation highly unethical if we never visit to
Yogyakarta and not know the history of Yogyakarta, as jogja has a long history
in the formation of Government SO start era until now. Yogyakarta remains
exceptional in the eyes of the world.
B. Purpose
Of Writing
Increase knowledge, insight and broad public.
to know the attractions in Yogyakarta in the beautiful
and well preserved in Indonesia.
Knowing the
origins of the tourist attractions in Yogyakarta.
a sense of love for the homeland
A. Borobudur
Borobudur is a Buddhist temple located in Borobudur, Magelang, Central
Java, Indonesia. The location of the temple is approximately 100 km to the
southwest of Semarang, 86 km to the West of Surakarta, and 40 km northwest of
Yogyakarta. Stupa shaped Temple was founded by the Buddhists Mahayanasekitar
800 years-an Ad during the reign of the sailendra dynasty. Borobudur Temple is
a temple or shrine of the Buddha in the world, is at once one of the largest
Buddhist monument in the world
The monument comprises six square shape that capped three circular, on
the walls are decorated with reliefs and panels 2672 there are 504 Buddha
statues. the Borobudur Buddhist relief has a collection of the best and largest
in the world. the largest main Stupa lies in the middle of the Crown at the
same time the building, surrounded by three rows of circular 72 perforated
stupas, in which there are buddha statues sitting cross-legged in the Lotus
position perfect with mudra (hand stance) Dharmachakra mudra (turning the wheel
of dharma).
This monument is a model of the universe and was built as a shrine to
venerate Buddha simultaneously serves as a place of pilgrimage to guide the
human race switched from natural carnal lust towards enlightenment and wisdom
in accordance the Buddha's teachings. the pilgrims enter through the East side
of the base of the temple rituals begin with a walk around this sacred building
in clockwise direction, while continuing to ascend to the next stair steps
through the three levels of Buddhist Cosmology in the realm. The third level it
is the Kāmadhātu (the world of desires), Rupadhatu (realm of intangibles), and
Arupadhatu (the world of intangibles). These pilgrims Journeying through a
series of hallways and stairs with stairways from 1460 panel relief etched on
the walls and balustrades.
According to historical evidence, Borobudur was abandoned in the 14th
century as the weakening influence of Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms in Java, and
the influx of Islamic influence. the world is starting to recognize the
existence of the building since found 1814 by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, who
served as Governor General of the United Kingdom over Java. From that point
Borobodur has undergone a series of rescue efforts and the reconstruction
process. The largest restoration project was held in 1975 until 1982 upon the
efforts of the Government of Republic of Indonesia and UNESCO, this historic
site is then entered on the list of world heritage sites.
Borobudur is still used as a place of religious pilgrimage; every year
Buddhists who came from all over Indonesia and abroad gathered at Borobudur to
commemorate Vesak Trisuci. In the world of tourism, Borobudur is Indonesia's
single attraction most visited tourist
B. Museum
The AIR FORCE leadership over the idea, then forming the Central Museum
of the AIR FORCE, "Dirgantara Mandala" as a place to capture and
document all activities and events in the environmental AIR FORCE. The Museum
was inaugurated on April 4, 1969 by Air Force Commander Admiral Roesmin
Noerjadin. Originally, the museum was in the path of Tanah Abang, Jakarta.
However, the museum then moved to Yogyakarta because it is considered an
important place of birth of the AIR FORCE and the AIR FORCE activity center.
With the consideration that the INDONESIAN AIR FORCE Museum collection
"Dirgantara Mandala", especially the air There in the form of
aircraft continued to flourish until the building of the museum in Kesatrian
ALSO Part of the air cannot accommodate and consideration is difficult to reach
the museum visitor, then the air force Leadership decided to move the museum
The leadership of the air force and then pointed to the building of the
former sugar factory in Wonocatur To Adisutjipto who during the occupation of
Japan was used as warehouse logisitik as the Central Museum of the air force
Dirgantara Mandala. On December 17, 1982, the air force Chief of staff Marshal
TNI Dkummer Tjahjadi signed an inscription. This was confirmed by the letter of
the command Chief of staff of the air force no. Sprin/05/IV/1984 date 11 April
1984 concerning the rehabilitation of this building to be prepared for a
permanent Central air force Museum Dirgantara Mandala. In a further development
on July 29, 1984, the air force Chief of staff Marshal Sukardi inaugurated the
renovated building usage such as the building of the Central AIR FORCE Museum
"Dirgantara Mandala" museum with an area of more or less entirely 4.2
Ha. Building area is entirely used 8765 M2
C. Museum
Merapi volcano Museum is a historical museum located in Yogyakarta
precisely Jln. Cole, Village Harjobinangun, village of Bull, Pakem district,
Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta about five kilometers from the area attractions in
Kaliurang. Merapi volcano Museum was inaugurated on October 1, 2009 by the
Minister of energy and Mineral resources (DEMR), Purnomo Yusgiantoro.
With a building area of about 4.470 standing on top of a 3.5 hectares,
the museum forward will also be equipped with garden, parking area, and plasa
wanted to known as Merapi's volcanic activity report with a Museum motto Merapi
Window the Earth
This can be made into Museum of volcanic activity report as a means of
education, dissemination of information aspects of the volcano disaster in
particular and other geological nature rekreatif-educative to the wider
community with the aim to provide insights and understanding of the scientific
aspects, as well as socio-cultural and other associated with volcanic activity
report and other sources of geological disaster. Museum of volcanic activity
report is expected to be an alternative solution as a means to a very important
and potentially as the volcano information center in the intellectual life of
the community, as well as the media in raising awareness and vigilance of the
public about the benefits and hazards of the eruption volcanic activity report
as well as other geological disasters
D. Museum
Sasmitaloka Museum is one of the historical museum in Yogyakarta.
Originally a residence located in Jendral Sudirman Bintaran Road No. 3
Yogyakarta. Jendral Sudirman was born in Bantarbarang Village, subdistrict of
Rembang, Purbalingga, Banyumas Regency on January 24, 1916. Father and mother
named Karsid Kartawiraji and Siyem the boy named Sudirman. His adoptive father,
Raden next Cokro Sunaryo add name Raden on Sudirman's name.
Sudirman followed formal education on the Grounds of the students later
continued his education in Muhammadiyah HIC Solo. Next year 1934 Raden Sudirman
was active in Scouting organisations Wathon Hizbul Islam. For his achievements,
he eventually became the head of the primary school Muhammadiyah in Cilacap. In
addition, he also became a teacher in high school Muhammadiyah Cilacap.
Sasmitaloka showing partial-partial life history a great Sudirman. Starting
from childhood in Purworejo until he died and was buried at the Taman Makam
Pahlawan Semaki, Yogyakarta. The Museum has 14 rooms which are filled by a
series of information arranged chronologically so that form a story and a
picture at the time. The Museum is about a Sudirman in her everyday when they
occupied this House. Its a lot like the cover of a book, as while the items
collection is likened to the text inscribed on a page sheet should be opened
one by one if you want to know.
"My children, Indonesia's army, you are
not a soldier, but the soldier Charter berideologi, who was able to fight death
and attended to the notability of the land airmu. Believe and be assured, that
the independence of a country that was founded on the top of the heap of ruins
thousands of inhabitants of property from the people and the nation, will not
be cut off by humans, anyone "(Commander General Sudirman).
String pengobar this spirit of sentence provided in the inscription
Sasmitaloka Pansar Sudirman. The Museum is divided into into 4 sections namely
main building (6 indoor exhibition), the North Wing (room 3 exhibition), the
South Wing building, and the rear Building (room X)
Museum is located at JL. Bintaran Wetan No. 3 Yogyakarta
E. Kraton
Keraton Yogyakarta was founded by Sultan Hamengku Buwono I several
months after the Treaty of Giyanti in 1755. The location of the Royal Palace
reportedly is a former pesanggarahan named Garjitawati. This building used to
break cortege Kings of Mataram (Kartasura and Surakarta) who will be buried at
Imogiri. Another version mentions the location of the Palace is a spring of
water, there is Pacethokan, which is in the middle of the forest Beringan.
Before occupying the Palace, Sultan Hamengku Buwono I dwell in Pesanggrahan
Amber Piece that Kecamatan now includes the Sleman Regency Limestone
Physically, the Palace of the Sultan of Yogyakarta has seven core
complex, namely Siti Heightened Ler (Grand Hall), Kamandhungan Ler (North
Kamandhungan), Sri Manganti Kedhaton, Kamagangan, the Kamandhungan Kidul (South
Kamandhungan), and Siti Heightened Kidul (Grand Hall)
Besides Yogyakarta Palace has a variety of cultural heritage both in the
form of the ceremony as well as the objects of ancient and historic. On the
other hand, the Palace is also an indigenous institution complete with custom
of Regent. Therefore it is not surprising if the values the philosophy
similarly mythology surrounds the Palace. And to that in 1995 the complex
Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat nominated to become one of the UNESCO World
Heritage site.
F. Taman
Located in the center of Yogyakarta city, a new tourist rides for
children namely Taman Pintar was built as a vehicle of expression, appreciation
and creation in a pleasant atmosphere. With the motto of the intellectual and
fun, children who started construction in 2003 to menumbuhkembangkan interest
children and young generation to science through imagination, experiment, and
the users in the framework of human resource development Indonesia. In the
garden which was initiated by the Mayor of Yogyakarta, Herry Zudianto, SE. Akt,
MM, and is built on land covering an area of 12000 square meters, there are six
zones with various vehicle play and learn that accompanied the science props.
Garden development started since May 2006 and was officially inaugurated on
June 9, 2007 by Governor of Yogyakarta, Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, along with the
two Minister, namely the Minister of research and technology (Minister),
Kusmayanto Kadiman, p.HD. and the Minister of national education (Mendiknas),
Prof. Dr. Bambang Sudibyo, MBA. This garden approach in conveying science
conducted through various media with the aim of enhancing the appreciation,
stimulate curiosity, awareness, baiting and creativity of children towards
science and technology.
In the garden, built at a cost of us $ 53 billion, there are six zones
tailored to sub-sub theme content material, among other Playground area,
Western and OLD buildings of the OLD East, an ovoid Building 1st floor, Oval
Building 2nd floor, Box Building 1st floor, 2nd floor Box Building and
Memorabilia. Each zone has a variety of rides the flagship, among others, the
playground, the little Explorers, Adventure, Titian, Titian Discovery Science,
Science, Indonesiaku Bridge, advanced technology, and Popular technology. Each
vehicle has a wide and a similar architecture, but in terms of the material has
different characteristics. Visitors will feel the difference at once when it
enters the resemblance of their respective rides of the Park.
For example, the amusement park rides in addition can be used as a
waiting room and public space for visitors, can also be used as a children's
play area in order to cultivate the intelligence and skills. Kids can learn
science with glee as the game disc color, water games, and wall berdendang.
addition, on the spacecraft Discovery visitors can know Titian's various
inventions (ranging from the invention of the wheel, lamp, telephone, to
electricity), the creation, the development of science and the implications for
human civilization. The spacecraft has two parts: the history of science and
the inventor of the world.
The other probe is learning that introduces science catwalks with the
scientific method. The spacecraft has two sections for children who are
interested in research, i.e. platform duga-guess which sets forth a sequence of
steps in the research methods. In addition, there are also rides a smart bridge
Science to introduce basic sciences such as mathematics, physics, chemistry,
and biology with an emphasis on its application in everyday life. Smart garden
also like to embody one of the teachings of Ki Hajar Dewantara i.e. Niteni:
understanding, Niroake: Mimic, and Nambahi: developing.
G. Malioboro
Malioboro is the name of one of the paths of the three streets in the
city of Yogyakarta, which stretches from Tugu to Yogyakarta post office
crossroad. Overall consists of Prince Mangkubumi Street, Malioboro Street and
Jalan Jend. A. Yani. This street is the axis of Imaginary Lines of Yogyakarta
are some historic destinations in the area include three ways Tugu, Tugu
railway station, Gedung Agung, Beringharjo market, Vredeburg Fort and Attack
the moment before 1 March.
Jalan Malioboro is very famous for its street vendors who peddle craft
jogja and lesehan food stalls in the evening selling food as well as jogja,
gudeg, famous as a gathering place for artists-artists are often mengekpresikan
their abilities such as playing music, painting, art, pantomime hapening and
others along the way.
Malioboro is the name of one of the streets in the city of Yogyakarta or
Jogja. This road is very famous and became an icon of the city of Yogyakarta.
Malioboro name derived from the Sanskrit meaning wreath. It is said that the
road is always filled with flowers while the festivals or ceremonies.
Malioboro Street is still very pronounced kekunoannya, as in the vicinity of
the road still standing historic buildings at the time, such as the Netherlands,
Tugu train station, Fort Vredeburg, monuments March One moment before Attack.
And there is also the famous i.e. market Beringharjo market. In the
Malioboro area is known also with the street vendors. You can shop for a
variety of local handicrafts such as batik, rattan ornament, leather puppet
show, variety of handbags, shoes, sandals and hats namely Blangkon also for the
typical male areas of Java. As well as metal goods such as gold, silver and
As evening arrived, the area was too crowded with many sellers – sellers
peddling cross-legged an assortment of food. Here you can try the special food
of Yogyakarta Jogja, Gudeg and pecel i.e. Yogyakarta. In addition, there are
also other food such as seafood that is not less treatment. In Malioboro is also
famous with a gathering place for artists that often express their abilities
such as playing music, painting, pantomime and others.
A. Conclusions
With the creation of this paper we can derive the benefits which we will
make provision for the future. As well as in the manufacture of this paper make
us better skilled and responsible for completing the task which we have
from some of the objects we've visited so we can conclude that the objects that
have the potential and the benefits of participation in the development of the
nation's adults at the foreseeable future, especially in the field of education
and culture.
Each of the constructs we visit have the characteristic of each. So that
each object has the benefits and effectiveness.
B. Advice
The advice we give is add a visit every tourist attraction, so that
students get data that is more complete and not feel rushed.
Itulah contoh makalah karya wisata dalam bahasa inggris yang telah penulis susun selengkap-lengkapnya. Semoga ini adalah bantuan nyata buat kamu :)